Honoring The Life of Sekove “Bale” Vosabeci,
Bale was born in Fiji, on July 27th, 1967 to his parents Taione Waqa and Mereani Daucakcaka. At the age of 54, Bale gained his wings to be with the Lord, Sunday December 19th, 2021 in Seattle, where he resided for over ten years. Bale was a devoted Army Veteran serving multiple tours in Lebanon where he was given a medal of honor for saving over a hundred families. Bale was known for his amazing voice, his kindred spirit, and sincerity. He is survived by his wife, Akosita Latu and his three children, Janet Mereani Wati Avery Latu in Seattle, Sekope Tomu and Ateira Savu in Fiji, amongst countless other friends and family. He will be missed dearly.
The family of Sekove Bale Vosabeci wishes to extend our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to all for your many acts of kindness, comforting words, and prayers during this time. May God Bless and sustain each and every one of you.
Monday, January 3rd, 2022
Viewing: 10:00 a.m.
Service: 11:00 a.m.
Scott’s Funeral Home
1215 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Tacoma, Washington